Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Special Moments

Special Moments


August 6th would mark my 3rd year of going to Rocknations some of you don't know what this is but its a place where young peoples lives get changed and for a few days forget about they world or the place where they come from ,because in those few days a special moment is created and life's are changed..you see the thing is we as a young generation are so miss lead in the things we do or the things we are and capable of doing ,the system in this day and age tells us follow the system the structure and you will be rich or have the life you want with had work but yet those who work hard are still paying the price of not having the freedom they imagined ,well this is what Rocknations is it a place where for a few days you see freedom ,you live those days without a care what others think ,you walk around taking selfies and doing stupid games ,dressing up as power rangers and no one thinks its weird because its all for fun and laughs but also it create memories for everyone. lets be honest for a second ,lets say you want to be a footballer or actor right now the two a different and this is why everyone needs to lean football and to get better you need to be in a team or club but for someone who wants to be and actor you are either born with it or you have to learn it and the fact is that un-like football you have to start form a young age to make it big like ages 10-9 but you thinking whats the point am getting at right well here it is .

we are so stuck the traditional system of school/college/ don't get me wrong that's all good but we get so much into that structure that the young generation of this day and age are realising that education isn't everything its necessary but its not life ,so because of that we seek fame and to be wanted or to be known by everyone,because of this we forget to dream for ourselves but dreaming on what the society has painted as the dream lifestyle,if we all stopped and thought for ourselves on what we could bring to everyone that not only could change they life but yours as well ,.live simply so that others can simply live that is the meaning of life.although am miles of topic but that is what Rocknations is its for the broken down girl the lost boy and the people who have everything ,from all walks of life no matter your denomination  or your age ,Rocknations is the place to get a true meaning of life and possible shed a light on who you really are.and at the end of it all you see that just because you are young doesn't mean you shouldn't dream but what is the purpose of that dream is it for money or is it deeper than that or are you just looking for every ones attention ,life is filled with special moments that define who we are and those decision's we make in those moments are what defines how we live and to an extant your whole life .